Please take time to study every area of Israel. The benefits are surprising. I have been learning about the historical land of Israel and the people who lived there, especially during Biblical times. When I began to understand how many things have been restored to what they were in ancient times, such as the names of the cities, the money system, the language, and the preparations that are happening to rebuild the third temple, I began to understand Bible prophecy more clearly. Those who think the land of Israel today has no Biblical or end time signifi-cance have not fully done their homework. Yahweh is not done with the physical land of Israel, but most importantly, He is not done working in the hearts of the Jewish people. Many thousands of them are coming to the knowledge that Yeshua (Jesus) is the Messiah, the true sinless and spotless Passover lamb.
The following is a collage of pictures from the Gaza strip pullout in August 2005. Notice the pictures where the Palestinians were holding signs that said "Terrorism Works". The whole Gaza Pullout did nothing for the peace of Israel. It was nothing more than a reward to the Palestinians for their terrorism and an encourage-ment to continue with their terror so that they can get even more land given to them. An interesting parallel was that Hurricane Katrina developed at the same hour that the Gaza pullout started. The United States was the main country pres-suring Israel to pull out of the Gaza Strip and give the land to the Palestinians. So the United States had the biggest dispersion of its people ever in history at the same time that Israel was having the greatest dispersion of its people since the rebirth of Israel as a nation in 1948. One of the interesting facts about this parallel is that the Palestinians wanted the land to be completely free from any Jewish people so they forced the Jews to dig up their dead family members and move them out of Gaza. Even in Louisiana, the graveyards were so flooded that bodies came up out of their graves, also.

The scripture says that the whole world will turn against Israel. Not all people will turn against her, but all countries will. Let's pray that we, the body of Messiah, not turn against her, but rather Sha'alu Shalom Yerushalayim, pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.
The video clip to the right shows some interesting facts about modern day Israel which details the fulfillment of some of the last days prophecies .
Click here to see photos and read testimonies about our time in Israel.
Click here to see photos and read testimonies about our time in Israel.Click here to see photos and read testimonies about our time in Israel.Click here to see photos and read testimonies about our time in Israel.
Click here to see photos and read testimonies about our time in Israel.
Click here for our Israel story.